No one sits on a three legged stool.
The Federal Retirement system is often called a three legged stool. Social Security your FERS pension and theThirft Savings Plan are designed to provide resources in retirement.
We don’t know a single person that would sit on a three legged stool without falling off.
The three legged stool does not address some of the core Retirement Questions….
- How do you know how much you can take from your retirement account each year and expect that to last your entire life?
- How do you structure your retirement income so you don’t overpay the IRS?
- How do you invest your nest egg so that you can both PROTECT your nest egg from market losses while still growing it to beat INFLATION
About Tony..
Starting in 2005 with one retiring letter carrier, Anthony Bucci built Mission Point Planning to guide federal employees through the myriad of financial decision on their way to, and through retirement. Anyone can find lots of information about financial planning and retirement. But federal employees really do have unique financial planning considerations that go beyond traditional financial planning.
In the meantime, click on the article below to learn more about what we think about your benefits.